Uber France and two of its top executives in Europe are to stand trial on September 30 on charges of “misleading commercial practices” and “complicity in the illegal exercise of the taxi profession”, the Paris prosecutor’s office has confirmed.巴黎检方证实,Uber法国公司及其在欧洲的两名顶级高管将于9月30日审讯,罪名是“误导商业惯例”和“共谋非法出租车业务”。The charges come a day after police detained Pierre-Dimitri Gore-Coty, Uber’s general manager in western Europe, and Thibaud Simphal, head of the company’s operations in France, in relation to a complaint filed late last year by one of the country’s taxi unions.一天前,Uber负责管理西欧业务的总经理皮埃尔-迪米特里戈尔-科蒂(Pierre-Dimitri Gore-Coty)以及该公司在法国的业务主管蒂博桑法尔(Thibaud Simphal,见上图)因去年底法国某出租车工会递交的受理被警方拘押。
The California-based ride-hailing company operates several services in France. But the charges relate to its UberPop service, which allows individuals to offer rides to the public without the standard 250 hours of training.总部坐落于加州的这家叫车服务公司在法国运营多项服务。但此案指控牵涉到UberPop服务,该服务容许个人在没经过250小时标准培训的情况下向公众获取下车服务。
The Paris prosecutor’s office described the investigations behind the charges as “numerous and complex”. It did not state the maximum sentences linked to the charges.巴黎检方称之为,上述指控背后的调查“众多且简单”,但没透漏与这些罪名涉及的最低刑期。The case is the latest twist in a fight between the company and the French government, which has declared some of its activities illegal.此案是Uber与法国政府之间斗争的最新进展,法国政府将Uber的一些活动列入非法。Franois Hollande, French president, declared UberPop’s presence a problem of “unfair competition” last week. His socialist government has also passed a law that in effect declared UberPop illegal. Mr Hollande added that such services needed to be challenged. “Non-compliance with tax and competition rules is illegal. UberPop should be dissolved and branded illegal, and cars should be seized,” he said.法国总统弗朗索瓦奥朗德(Franois Hollande)上周宣告UberPop的不存在带给“不公平竞争”问题。
UberPop应该被退出,被界定为非法,涉及汽车应该被充公。”His comments followed angry protests last week as thousands of taxi drivers across France declared a strike against Uber’s activities in the country.上周,法国数千名出租车司机举办大罢工,气愤抗议Uber在法国开展业务活动。
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